Renewing Materials
You can come into the library during the week to renew your items in person, you can call us at 597-4406, or you can do it online. Items can be renewed twice.
Online Catalog
Patrons can see which items they have checked out and renew their materials through the online catalogue. Select “Log In” and enter you library card number and a PIN.
PIN: books

Once you are logged in, select “My Account” and then “Checkouts”.

This will bring you to the next page where you will be able to see all the material you have currently checked out.
You will have to click the box beside the material(s) that you would like to renew. Once you have them selected, you click the blue renew button.
A renewal confirmation button will pop up and you can click “yes” if you would like to continue.

A green message will appear under the material saying that you successfully renewed it and the new due date will be in the right hand column. You can renew materials two times.